So I'm back to logging, trying to stay in calorie range (1570), and walking. I'd like to try running again, but I think I'm going to put that off for a bit. That fall freaked me out. I read somewhere once that fear of falling is common among obese people. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's definitely true for me. Besides that, it's the dark, dreary time of the year. Exercise is always a struggle for me this time of year. So I'm going to focus on exercise that I know I enjoy and that is indoors. If I make it too challenging, I'll just skip it and hole up in my bed with a cup of Mexican hot chocolate. If it's fun, I'll actually do it.
This is going to be a short post. I just wanted to do a quick check in to say I haven't given up.
I weighed in at 290 this morning. I want to lose 2 pounds by the end of the month. I also want to be 5 miles closer to Walden by the end of the month.
1307.51 / 0 / 1281.3